Effective from: 3 November, 2023

Terms and conditions

These terms of use (the Agreement) form a legal agreement between you (You) and Spoynt Limited, a legal entity under the laws of the United Kingdom, doing business as Spoynt (the Company, We or Us). The effective date of this Agreement is when You accept or are deemed to accept this Agreement. You are deemed to have accepted and agreed to this Agreement, and all terms herein including the Limitation of Liability and Indemnification provisions when you access this website. If You are accessing this website on behalf of a business, your access constitutes the business’s acceptance of these terms. By accessing https://spoynt.com or https://spoynt.co.uk and all subsidiary web pages within the Website, you agree to this Agreement in full, together with any additional or specific terms and conditions we may draw to your attention prior to your purchasing any products or services from or via this Website. You hereby consent to the exchange of information and documents between You and Us electronically over the Internet or by email and agree this electronic Agreement shall be the equivalent of a written paper agreement between You and Us. Capitalised terms in this Agreement are defined in the section headed “Definitions and interpretation” at the end of this Agreement if not otherwise defined in the provisions below.
1. Ownership and Copyright
You acknowledge that any and all information, content, reports, data, databases, graphics, interfaces, web pages, text, files, software, product names, company names, trademarks, logos and trade names contained on this Website (collectively the Content), including the manner in which the Content is presented or appears and all information relating thereto, are the property of their respective owners as indicated, the Company or its licensors, as the case may be. You shall have no right, title or interest, ownership or otherwise, in the Content.
2. Permitted Use
Without prejudice to any other clauses of the Agreement, The Company hereby grants to You a limited, revocable, personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license limited to right of access, read and download one copy of the Content solely for the purpose of evaluating the services offered by Us (Services).
3. Restrictions On Use
You agree that You will not:

a) distribute the Content for any purpose, including, without limitation, compiling an internal database, redistributing or reproducing the Content by way of the press or media or through any commercial network, cable or satellite system; or

b) create derivative works of, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, translate, transmit, arrange, modify, copy, bundle, sell, sublicense, export, merge, transfer, adapt, loan, rent, lease, assign, share or distribute in any way, encode, post, upload, publicly displayed, outsource, host, publish, republish, reproduce, make available to any person or otherwise use, either directly or indirectly, the Content in whole or in part, in any form or by any means whatsoever, be they physical, electronic or otherwise. You shall not permit, allow or do anything that would infringe or otherwise prejudice the proprietary rights of the Company or its licensors or allow any third party to access the Content. The restrictions set out in this Agreement shall not apply to the limited extent the restrictions are prohibited by applicable law; or
4. License to Use Your Information
With the exception of your non-public personal information, You hereby grant to the Company a perpetual, unlimited, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferable license to run, display, copy, reproduce, publish, bundle, distribute, market, create derivative works of, adapt, translate, transmit, arrange, modify, sublicense, export, merge, transfer, loan, rent, lease, assign, share, outsource, host, make available to any person or otherwise use any information or other content You provide on or through this website or which is sent to the Company by email or other correspondence, including, without limitation, any ideas, concepts, inventions, know-how, techniques contained therein, for any purpose whatsoever. The Company shall not be subject to any obligations of confidentiality regarding any such information unless specifically agreed to by the Company in writing or required by law. You represent and warrant that you have the right to grant the license set out above.
5. Personal Information
The Company may from time to time, but is not obligated to, monitor your use of the website and collect, store, use and disclose information concerning You to solicit or offer You its Services, and You hereby consent to such collection, storage, use and disclosure and waive any right of privacy You may have in it. We only collect personal data that is necessary to form a legal agreement with You to offer You our Services and to comply with applicable Know-Your-Customer regulations applicable to Us. You may request us to delete your information and deactivate your account at any time. We will delete all the information that is not necessary to comply with applicable Know-Your-Customer regulations applicable to Us. You may contact us regarding the handling of your information at any time at: [email protected].
6. Service Agreement
If You procure Services from the Company or one of its suppliers or sponsors, then such Services shall be delivered pursuant to a separate agreement and are not provided hereunder, and You shall have no rights or claims in respect of such Services hereunder.
7. Links to third-party websites and services
The Website may contain links, buttons and banners that redirect you to third-party resources and websites that may be of interest. The inclusion of any link does not mean we endorse the site or have any association with its operators, nor should the inclusion of any link be viewed as an encouragement to purchase or use any third-party products or services – we provide these links to you for information purposes and convenience only.
Linked Websites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the contents of any Linked Website including, without limitation, any link contained in a Linked Website, or any changes or updates to a Linked Website. We do not accept responsibility or liability for the privacy of your personal information on any Linked Website, and we are not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any Linked Website.

These Website Terms of Use do not cover your interaction with Linked Websites; therefore, you should carefully review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third party sites you visit. Your use of any linked Website is at your own risk.
Certain services made available via the Website are delivered by third parties. By using any product, service or functionality originating from the Website domain, you acknowledge and consent that we may share such information and data with any third party with whom we have a contractual relationship to provide the requested product, service or functionality for the Websites users and customers.

The Company does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the information, data, opinions, advice or statements contained at Linked Websites, and when You access such sites, You are doing so at your own risk. In providing links to the other sites, the Company is in no way acting as a publisher or disseminator of the material contained on those other sites and does not seek to monitor or control such sites. A link to another site should not be construed to mean that the Company is affiliated or associated with the same. THE COMPANY DOES NOT RECOMMEND OR ENDORSE ANY OF THE CONTENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY HYPERLINKS TO, OR CONTENT FOUND ON, OTHER WEBSITES.

If You procure Services from the Company or one of its suppliers or sponsors, then such Services shall be delivered pursuant to a separate agreement and are not provided hereunder, and You shall have no rights or claims in respect of such Services hereunder.